Sunday, November 2, 2014

McKinlee Mae's Two Month Update

McKinlee Mae's Two Month Update



Eyes: M's eyes are dark grey but look like they are slowly turning to brown, like mamas!

Hair: one word: WILD! M's hair sticks straight up and we get stopped everywhere we go with comments.  "Look at that babys hair"!  She pretty much always has a headband in her hair made by Grandma. Can't leave home without one!

Clothes: All newborn clothes have either been packed up or at skin tight.  M is now growing into her 3 month clothes from Carters.  The Old Navy 0-3 month clothes fit great.

Diapers: M wears size 1 in Pampers.  We had to retire the newborn swadlers (sad face).

Sleep:  She typically goes down to sleep in her halo sleep sack, aka straight jacket at 10:15 PM after her 10PM bottle.  Then, she usually wakes up at 3 for a bottle and then goes right back to sleep.  After that, she'll wake up at 6 or so for another bottle and will go back down until around 8.  One night she slept from 10PM until 5AM!  Glorious!  M naps between 30 minutes to 2 hours and has started to develop a nap schedule.

Likes: M loves morning time!  She is always so happy to be awake and smiles like crazy.  She loves having her swaddle taken off and being able strrrrrretch out!  She also loves her changing pad in her bathroom.  It sits in front of the mirror and she just loves looking at herself and all around the bathroom in the mirror.  M loves her caterpillar wubanub, her swing, and having Dad bounce her on the excercize ball (a little too much).  She really enjoys her playmat right now.  She likes to look at all the toys and kick, kick, kick her legs!  Going shopping with Mom and Grandma knock her right out (not sure if that means she likes it or not!), and walking the mall in the morning leaves her mesmerized by all the lights.  She loves being worn in her Baby Bjorn.  M is obsessed with all of the dark light fixtures in our house.  She just stares up at them and smiles!

Dislikes: When Dad stops bouncing her on the excercize ball, getting a tight onsie put on over her head, when the car stops moving if she is fussy, and the evening hours (right when Dad gets home from work).

Eating:  I exclusively pump for McKinlee.  I have a pretty low supply (20 oz per day), so we have to supplement about 6 ounces of formula right now.  We will reevaluate how this is going after 3 months.  Pumping is hard work!  M takes her milk in Dr. Browns bottles.

Milestones:  M can hold her head up really well!  She laughed for Dad on 11/2 and can now follow you with her eyes.

Mom and Dads favorites: When she yawns and let's out the cutest little sigh, when she smiles at you, when she blows spit bubbles.